TC6039OH Rev. AF 5/08
©2007 Paxar Americas, Inc.
subsidiary of Avery Dennison Corp.
Using this Manual ....................................................................................1-2
Audience ................................................................................................1-2
Helpful Reminders ...................................................................................1-3
Attaching the Safety Strap ........................................................................1-4
Using the Main Battery .............................................................................2-1
Changing the Main Battery ....................................................................2-2
Charging the Backup Battery ....................................................................2-3
Checking the Battery Status .....................................................................2-4
Main Battery Safety Information ................................................................2-5
Loading Supplies .....................................................................................3-1
Loading for Peel Mode ..........................................................................3-3
Loading for Non-Peel Mode ...................................................................3-5
Selecting the Supply Type ........................................................................3-6
Removing Supplies in Peel Mode ..............................................................3-7
Using the Keypad ....................................................................................4-1
Entering Data ......................................................................................4-2
Entering Special Characters/Symbols .....................................................4-2
Using the Display ....................................................................................4-3
Reading the Status Bar .........................................................................4-3
Scanning Bar Codes ................................................................................4-4
Certification Note ....................................................................................4-5
Printing ..................................................................................................4-6
Adjusting the Print Contrast ......................................................................4-6
Power Management .................................................................................4-8
Radio Frequency Communications.............................................................4-8
Cleaning .................................................................................................5-1
Cleaning the Printhead .........................................................................5-2
Cleaning the Platen Roller ....................................................................5-3
Cleaning the Pinch and Feed Rollers......................................................5-4
Cleaning the Sensors ...........................................................................5-4
Cleaning the Scanner Window ...............................................................5-5
Cleaning the Scanner Flex Cable ...........................................................5-5
Clearing Supply Jams ..............................................................................5-6
Storing the Printer ...................................................................................5-6
Checking the Software Version .................................................................6-2
Printing a Test Label................................................................................6-3
Error Codes .........................................................................................6-4
Technical Support....................................................................................6-4
Specifications ........................................................................................ A-1
Accessories ........................................................................................... A-2
The Monarch® Pathfinder® Ultra® Platinum 6039™ printer prints,
scans bar codes, collects data, and communicates with other devices.
The printer operates on a Microsoft Windows-based CE platform.
The printer features
♦ Touch screen display
♦ 18-key alphanumeric keypad
♦ On-Demand and continuous printing
♦ Adjustable supply width capabilities
♦ Clock/calendar
♦ USB port communications
♦ Graphic printing capabilities
♦ Display backlight
♦ Low power shutdown to conserve the battery
♦ Laser scanner (factory-installed option)
♦ Wireless 802.11b/g Radio (factory-installed option)
♦ 512MB SD memory card (factory-installed option)
♦ 256MB Print Engine memory expansion (factory-installed option)
Introduction 1-1
U s i n g t h i s M a n u a l
Following is a summary of the contents of this manual:
Using Batteries
Using Supplies
Information you should know before using the printer.
Charging, changing, and using batteries safely.
Supply loading and removal.
Entering and
Printing Data
Information about using the display, keypad, scanner,
and printing.
Care &
Clearing supply jams and cleaning the printer.
Common problems and their solutions.
Specifications &
Printer specifications and accessories/options.
A u d i e n c e
This manual is for the operator who scans or manually enters data and
prints and applies labels.
A Quick Reference for this printer is available in the box. A Programmer’s
Manual and other documentation are available on our Web site
Information in this document supercedes information in previous versions.
Check our Web site for the latest documentation and release information.
1-2 Operator’s Handbook
G e t t i n g S t a r t e d
To start using the printer, you must:
1. Review the safety information in the Regulatory Compliance
document provided with your printer.
2. Charge the main battery. See “Charging the Main Battery” in
Chapter 2 for more information.
Note: You must charge the battery before using it.
3. Insert the main battery. See “Changing the Main Battery” in
Chapter 2 for more information.
4. Attach the safety strap found in the documentation package. See
“Attaching the Safety Strap” later in this chapter for more information.
5. Load supplies in the printer. See “Loading the Supplies” in
Chapter 3 for more information.
6. Turn on the printer. Wait 30 seconds for the desktop to load before
touching the display or using the keypad.
Note: Your System Administrator must load an application in the printer
before you can use it.
H e l p f u l R e m i n d e r s
♦ Always start with a fully charged battery.
♦ Attach the safety strap to your wrist before using the printer.
♦ Do not pound the printer when applying labels printed in peel mode.
♦ Switch to a fully charged battery every time you load a new roll of
supplies (doing so ensures optimum print quality).
♦ Turn off the printer when you are not using it.
♦ When you remove the main battery, connect the printer to the Battery
Backup Power.
♦ Operate and store the printer with the recommended temperature and
humidity ranges. See Appendix A, “Specifications and Accessories,”
for more information.
Introduction 1-3
A t t a c h i n g t h e S a f e t y S t r a p
1. Turn the printer upside down, resting its top on the table.
2. Remove the stylus strap from the loop.
3. Take the thin end of the safety strap, and push it through the loop at
the bottom of the printer handle (near the battery compartment).
4. Push the thick end of the safety strap through the thin end’s loop.
5. Pull the strap. It may be necessary to help the thin end’s loop fit over
the plastic piece in the middle of the strap and pull the strap tight.
6. Attach the stylus strap to the loop as shown.
1-4 Operator’s Handbook
The printer uses two batteries: a main battery and a backup
Running the printer. It is also rechargeable using the
Monarch 9462 single-station or the Monarch 9465
four-station charger.
Maintaining the printer’s system settings.
U s i n g t h e M a i n B a t t e r y
The printer’s main power source is a 7.4V lithium-ion battery.
Note: The printer only takes this battery. Do not substitute batteries.
You must charge the battery when you receive the printer, even if you do
not use it right away.
Charging the Main Battery
To charge the main battery, use either the 9462 single-station
or 9465 four-station battery chargers. Refer to the
documentation provided with the chargers for more
information. Charging time is approximately 1.5 – 3 hours.
The battery might explode if placed on a
different charger.
Using Batteries 2-1
Changing the Main Battery
To change the main battery:
1. Turn the printer over and press the button on the battery compartment
door (at the bottom of the printer’s handle) and slide it open.
2. Turn the printer upright, holding your palm beneath the open battery
compartment. Hit the printer on your hand and catch the battery as it
slides out.
Main Battery
3. Insert a new battery into the compartment (connector end first).
4. Slide the compartment door shut until clicks into place.
2-2 Operator’s Handbook
C h a r g i n g t h e B a c k u p B a t t e r y
The internal backup battery is a 3.6-volt lithium-ion battery that maintains
the printer’s system settings. The backup battery maintains its charge
through the main battery or the Battery Backup Power. When fully
charged, the backup battery provides seven days of power. To keep the
battery fully charged, connect the Battery Backup Power whenever you
remove the main battery.
Note: If the printer does not have a main battery or is not connected to
the Battery Backup Power, it loses its charge and the printer’s
system settings.
1. Remove the main battery from the
battery compartment.
2. Connect the Battery Backup Power as
3. Plug the other end into a grounded
electrical outlet.
The LED at the top left of the
keypad blinks amber when the
Battery Backup Power is properly
Using Batteries 2-3
C h e c k i n g t h e B a t t e r y S t a t u s
The printer easily provides the status of the main and backup batteries.
1. Tap the battery icon ( ) on the Status Bar on the display.
Power Supply
Main Battery
Shows the status of the main battery. If the status is
low, printing may be interrupted. Replace the main
battery in the printer with a fully charged battery.
Backup Battery
Shows the status of the backup battery. If the status is
low, remove the main battery and connect the printer to
the Battery Backup Power. If you replace the main
battery, its charge depletes while charging the backup
battery. You cannot replace the backup battery.
Shows the power levels of the main battery for system
operations and printing. If the printing power level is
low, you may still be able to use Windows functions, but
you do not have enough battery power to print. Replace
the main battery in the printer with a fully charged
2. Tap OK.
2-4 Operator’s Handbook
M a i n B a t t e r y S a f e t y I n f o r m a t i o n
♦ You must charge the battery before using it. For optimal battery life,
charge the battery within three months of receipt.
Warning: The battery might explode if placed on a different charger.
♦ Take the battery out of the printer when storing the printer for a month
or longer and connect it to the Battery Backup Power.
♦ The optimal battery storage temperature is 50°F – 73°F (10°C – 23°C),
with a maximum of 104°F (40°C). The battery may lose its charge
capacity permanently if stored at temperatures less than 32°F (0°C) or
greater than 104°F (40°C). For longest life, the battery should be
stored in a cool, dry place.
♦ The operating temperature for the battery is the same as for the
printer. See Appendix A, “Specifications and Accessories,” for more
♦ The recommended charging temperature is 68°F – 77°F (20°C – 25°C)
♦ Recycle Information – Do not throw in trash. Recycle to your local
regulations. The Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation
(RBRC) is a non-profit organization created to promote recycling of
rechargeable batteries. For more information about how to recycle
returned postage-paid to: ERC; 200 Monarch Lane Door #39;
Miamisburg, OH 45342.
Caution: Do not disassemble, short-circuit, heat above 80°C, or
incinerate the battery. It may explode.
♦ Do not let the battery come into contact with metal objects.
♦ Do not use a battery with a cracked case.
♦ Do not let the battery get wet.
♦ It is normal for battery capacity to decrease up to 20% over the first
300 cycles of use.
♦ The battery should be charged before long-term storage or after the
battery has been exhausted from a printing session. Frequent
charging actually prolongs battery life and has no negative effects
such as memory issues.
Using Batteries 2-5
♦ The printer uses battery power even when the printer is not printing.
Remove the printer’s main battery and place on a charger when the
printer is not in use.
♦ If the printer does not have a main battery, connect the printer to the
Battery Backup Power.
Many factors affect your battery’s performance, including the quantity of
labels printed, percentage of black per label, and power management.
2-6 Operator’s Handbook
The printer can use three types of supplies:
♦ Labels
♦ Tags
♦ Receipt Paper.
See “Selecting the Supply Type” in this chapter for more information.
There are two print modes. The way you load the supplies depends on
the print mode you use.
♦ Peel mode removes the backing paper from the supplies as it prints
the labels. This mode allows you to apply the label immediately. It is
only for labels. When using the on-demand sensor, you can press the
trigger to print a label or the next label prints automatically when the
previous one is removed.
♦ Non-Peel mode does not remove the backing paper. It is for labels
printed in a continuous strip, tags, and receipt paper.
L o a d i n g S u p p l i e s
To load supplies:
1. Turn on the printer.
2. Press the latch buttons and open the supply cover.
Latch Buttons
Using Supplies 3-1
3. Pull back the supply lock tab.
Supply Lock Tab
4. Open the spring-loaded supply holder. Spread the supply holder tabs
apart with one hand so it adjusts to the size of your supply roll. You
can set it at 1.2”, 1.5”, and 2.0”.
Supply Holder
3-2 Operator’s Handbook
5. Place the supply roll in the supply holder so the supply feeds labels
from the bottom.
6. Load the supplies for the print mode you want. See “Loading for Peel
Mode” or “Loading for Non-Peel Mode” for more information.
Loading for Peel Mode
To load supplies for peel mode:
1. Peel and discard the first four inches of labels from the backing
2. Hold the printer upright and gently press down on the label deflector.
(It may be stiff.)
Label Deflector
Using Supplies 3-3
3. Feed all four inches of the backing paper under the applicator roller,
over the peel bar, and under the label deflector.
Applicator Roller
Peel Bar
Label Deflector
4. Push the label deflector up until it snaps into place.
5. Partially close the cover to the first position.
Partially closed cover
6. Pull the backing paper over the guide roller, down to the pinch and
feed rollers.
3-4 Operator’s Handbook
7. Hold the backing paper edge between the feed and pinch rollers, and
press the trigger.
Guide Roller
(behind supply)
Feed Roller
(behind Pinch Roller)
Pinch Roller
8. Close the cover.
9. Tap Load Supply from the printer icon menu, then Calibrate.
Loading for Non-Peel Mode
To load supplies for non-peel mode:
1. Feed the supply under the applicator roller and over the label
Applicator Roller
Label Deflector
2. Close the supply cover.
3. Tap Load Supply from the printer icon menu, then Calibrate.
Using Supplies 3-5
S e l e c t i n g t h e S u p p l y T y p e
To select the supply type:
1. Tap the printer icon from the Status Bar.
2. Tap Load Supply. An hourglass appears briefly, then you see
3. Select the Supply type you are using:
Supply Type
Used For
Labels and tags
Receipt paper
Labels and Tags
4. Tap Feed to advance a label or Calibrate to register the black mark.
3-6 Operator’s Handbook
R e m o v i n g S u p p l i e s i n P e e l M o d e
To remove supplies in peel mode:
1. Tear the backing paper just above the pinch roller.
2. Open the supply cover completely.
3. Spread the supply holder tabs apart with one hand and remove the
supply roll.
4. Carefully pull out the supply backing paper still in place between the
pinch and feed rollers.
Using Supplies 3-7
3-8 Operator’s Handbook
This chapter explains the printer’s features and how to use them.
U s i n g t h e K e y p a d
The printer’s keypad appears below.
Accepts data or a menu selection.
Tabs to the next tab stop or the next field. Pressing Fct + Tab
backspaces a tab stop or returns to the previous field.
Performs an application-defined function when pressed with a
single-digit number.
Exits the current screen or application.
Enters upper case or lower-case alphabetic mode.
Moves the cursor to the right in a menu.
Pressing Fct + right arrow scrolls the cursor down in a menu.
Moves the cursor to the left in a menu.
Pressing Fct + left arrow scrolls the cursor up in a menu.
Backspaces in Alpha mode.
Turns the printer on and off.
Displays a numeric digit or letter.
Alphabetic See “Entering Special Characters/Symbols” for more information.
Entering & Printing Data 4-1
Entering Data
Entering data using the keypad is similar to entering data on a cell phone.
There are three data entry modes:
♦ Normal (Numeric) mode – Default. Press the key to display what
appears on the face of the key (numbers).
♦ Lower-Case Alphabetic mode – Press Alpha once to display lower-
case letters. Press the key several times until you see the letter you
need. For example, to select lower-case c, press Alpha once and 2
three times.
♦ Upper-Case Alphabetic mode – Press Alpha twice to display upper-
letters. Press the key several times until you see the letter you need.
For example, to select upper-case C, press Alpha twice and 2 three
Entering Special Characters/Symbols
The table shows how to enter special characters and symbols when in
Lower-case and Upper-case Alpha Mode.
Lower-case Alpha Mode
Press Alpha Once
Upper-case Alpha Mode
Press Alpha Twice
<space> : < ( ‘
. - + / *
<space> ; > ) “
. = @ % $
4-2 Operator’s Handbook
U s i n g t h e D i s p l a y
The printer has a touch screen display similar
to a hand held computer. Use the stylus to
select the option you want from the display.
The printer also has a screen protector. To
order a replacement screen protector, see
Appendix A, “Specifications and Accessories”
for more information.
Note: Only use the stylus on the display.
Pens and other items can cause
damage. Use distilled water and a
soft cloth to clean the display. Do not
use household cleaners.
To change the display backlight, sound (beep),
and other standard Windows options, from the
Start Menu, tap Settings, Control Panel.
The display has a Status Bar that includes the
time. See “Reading the Status Bar” for more
Reading the Status Bar
The Status Bar has the following indicators:
Lower-case Alpha Mode
Upper-case Alpha Mode
Function Mode
Battery Status. See “Checking the Battery Status” in Chapter 2
for more information.
Load Supply option and Printer configuration.
Scanner Configuration, Scanner Diagnostics, Scanner
Mode, Printer Configuration, Trigger Mode, and
Diagnostics are used by your System Administrator.
Refer to the “System Administrator’s Guide” for more
Input Panel or Keyboard. A qwerty keyboard appears on the
Entering & Printing Data 4-3
S c a n n i n g B a r C o d e s
Your printer may have a built-in scanner.
To scan a bar code:
1. Attach the safety strap to your wrist.
2. Point the scanner at a slight angle
approximately 4 – 8 inches from the
bar code symbol.
3. Press the trigger or other key
specified by your System
Caution: Do not stare into the beam.
The scanner LED is at the top left of the keypad, opposite the On/Off key.
Scanner LED
Successful scan.
Unsuccessful scan.
If the bar code does not scan:
♦ Change the scanner’s angle slightly and try again.
♦ Clean the scanner window. See “Cleaning” in Chapter 5 for more
♦ Move the scanner 4 – 8 inches away from the bar code. Adjust this
distance as needed to find the correct distance.
♦ Try scanning another bar code that you have scanned successfully.
If that scan is successful, the scanning problem is with the bar code.
♦ Move to a more dimly lit area.
♦ Ensure there are no voids (streaks) in the bar code symbol.
If the scan is still unsuccessful, ask your System Administrator to perform
a scanner test.
4-4 Operator’s Handbook
C e r t i f i c a t i o n N o t e
This product is certified to be a Class II laser product with the United
States DHHS Center for Devices and Radiological Health and complies
with 21CFR1040.10 and 1040.11 except for deviations pursuant to
Laser Notice No. 50, dated July 26, 2001, The scanner emits less than
2.0 milliwatt beam of laser light from the scanning window. Laser light
in excess of Class I limits must be inside a protective cover. No
maintenance is required to keep this product in compliance with EN
60825, IEC60825, and DHHS Regulation 21, Subchapter J. No controls
are provided for operation or maintenance.
Use of controls, adjustments or performance of procedures
other than those specified herein may result in hazardous
laser light exposure.
Class II laser scanners use a low power, visible light diode. As with any
very bright light source, such as the sun, the user should avoid staring
directly into the light beam. Momentary exposure to a Class II laser is not
known to be harmful.
Entering & Printing Data 4-5
P r i n t i n g
When and how you print depends on your printer’s application. It may
♦ only after you press a certain key
♦ automatically as soon as you press a key
♦ automatically with no input from you
♦ one label or a strip of labels.
A d j u s t i n g t h e P r i n t C o n t r a s t
To adjust the print contrast:
1. Tap the printer icon from the Status Bar.
4-6 Operator’s Handbook
2. Tap Printer Configuration. An hourglass appears briefly, then you
Select the Supply type you are using:
Supply Type
Used For
Labels and tags
Receipt paper
Labels and Tags
Entering & Printing Data 4-7
Adjust Contrast
Scroll to change contrast. The higher the number, the
darker the print; the lower the number, the lighter the
The print contrast controls the darkness of the printing
on your supply. The range is –28 to +40 and the default
is 0. You may need to increase or decrease the print
contrast depending on your supply type. Having the
correct print contrast setting is important because it
affects how well your barcodes scan and how long your
printhead lasts.
Serial Quality
A label prints with barcodes to
scan to check the quality of serial
bar codes.
Parallel Quality
A label prints with barcodes to
scan to check the quality of
parallel bar codes
3. Tap Back or X in the upper-right hand corner of the screen to return
to previous screen.
P o w e r M a n a g e m e n t
The printer will shut off after a predetermined amount of idle time.
The printer will “wake up” when you start using it again. Turn off the
backlight to conserve power when leaving the printer on and idle.
From the Control Panel, tap Power, Display, Backlight.
R a d i o F r e q u e n c y C o m m u n i c a t i o n s
Your printer may be able to communicate with other printers, an access
point, or network via radio frequency (RF) communications. Your System
Administrator can tell you if you have this feature and any special
procedures you need to perform.
4-8 Operator’s Handbook
C A R E & M A I N T E N A N C E
Caring for and properly maintaining your printer protects it and
keeps it running smoothly. This chapter explains how to
♦ clean the printhead, platen roller, sensors, and scanner window
♦ clear supply jams
♦ store the printer.
C l e a n i n g
It is important to keep the printer clean. You must clean five main areas:
♦ Printhead
♦ Platen Roller
♦ Sensors
♦ Scanner Window
♦ Scanner Flex Cable
Do not use sharp objects to clean the printer.
Do not use household cleaners to clean the printer.
Care & Maintenance 5-1
Cleaning the Printhead
Clean the printhead
♦ after using 7-10 rolls of supplies
♦ in extreme temperatures, humid conditions, or a dirty environment
♦ when you see voids in the print
♦ after a supply jam.
The following actions may damage the printhead and void your warranty.
♦ Do not use silicone to clean or lubricate.
♦ Do not use sharp objects to remove adhesive or label particles from
the printhead area.
♦ Do not touch the printhead with your fingers.
To clean the printhead:
1. Turn off the printer.
2. Open the supply cover and remove the supplies. See “Removing
Supplies” in Chapter 3 for more information.
3. Check the supply holder for adhesive buildup and clean it if
4. Ground yourself by
touching a metal object
other than the printer.
Grounding prevents
electrostatic discharge,
which may damage your
5. Clean the printhead area of
all adhesive and label
particles using a Monarch
Cleaning Pen (#114226) or
a soft cloth moistened with
isopropyl alcohol.
6. Reload the supply roll and
close the supply cover.
5-2 Operator’s Handbook
Cleaning the Platen Roller
Clean the platen roller when you see significant adhesive build-up or
when a label is wrapped around the platen roller.
1. Turn off the printer and open the supply cover.
2. Remove the supplies. See “Removing Supplies” in Chapter 3 for
more information.
3. Hold the printer upright and gently press down on the label deflector.
It may be stiff.
4. Use a dry, soft-bristle brush,
such as a toothbrush, to clean
the platen roller.
5. Turn the platen roller with
your finger and then continue
6. Reload the supplies, close the
label deflector and supply
If the brush does not remove all
the adhesive use isopropyl
alcohol ONLY on the platen roller.
Moisten a cotton swab with isopropyl alcohol and run the cotton swab
across the platen roller. Turn the platen roller with your finger to make
sure it is clean all the way around. After cleaning, feed several inches of
supply through without printing to remove any remaining isopropyl
Care & Maintenance 5-3
Cleaning the Pinch and Feed Rollers
To clean the pinch and feed rollers:
1. Turn off the printer and open the supply cover.
2. Remove the supplies. See “Removing Supplies” in Chapter 3 for
more information.
3. Turn the platen roller with your fingers while running a dry, lint-free
cloth across the pinch and feed rollers as they turn. Make sure the
rollers are clean all the way around. If necessary, use a cloth
dampened slightly with distilled water.
4. Reload the supplies after the printer dries.
Cleaning the Sensors
To clean the on-demand sensor:
1. Turn off the printer and open the supply cover.
2. Remove the supplies. See “Removing Supplies” in Chapter 3 for
more information.
3. Open the label deflector by
gently pressing down with
two fingers.
4. Clean the on-demand
sensor with a soft cloth
moistened with distilled
5. Reload the supplies, close
the label deflector and
supply cover.
5-4 Operator’s Handbook
To clean the black mark sensor:
1. Turn off the printer and open
the supply cover.
2. Remove the supplies. See
“Removing Supplies” in
Black Mark
Chapter 3 for more information.
3. Clean the black mark sensor
with a dry cotton swab.
4. Reload the supplies and close
the supply cover.
Cleaning the Scanner Window
Clean the scanner window whenever it appears to be dirty or smeared.
To clean it:
1. Moisten a soft cloth with distilled water. Do not use household
cleaners to clean the printer.
2. Wipe the window until it is completely clean.
Cleaning the Scanner Flex Cable
Occasionally, adhesive buildup appears on the scanner flex cable, as
shown below. To clean the cable:
1. Turn off the printer and
open the supply cover.
2. Inspect the scanner flex
cable. At any place that
adhesive buildup
Adhesive Buildup
appears, clean the cable
with 99% isopropyl
alcohol and a cotton
Scanner Flex
3. Close the supply cover.
Care & Maintenance 5-5
C l e a r i n g S u p p l y J a m s
To clear a supply jam:
1. Turn off the printer and open the supply cover completely.
2. Open the label deflector by gently pressing down on it with two
3. Remove the supplies. See “Removing Supplies” in Chapter 3 for
more information.
4. Carefully remove any jammed supply and close the deflector.
Note: Do not pull the jammed supply out through the front of the label
deflector. Do not use sharp objects to remove jammed supplies.
5. Carefully remove
any jammed supply
between the pinch
and feed rollers.
6. Clean any adhesive
Feed Roller
(behind Pinch Roller)
7. Reload the supplies
and close the label
Pinch Roller
S t o r i n g t h e P r i n t e r
Do not store the printer in or near
♦ magnetic fields
♦ wet or damp areas
♦ dirty or dusty areas
♦ areas of intense vibration or shock.
5-6 Operator’s Handbook
This section lists some common printer problems and their solutions.
Printer does not feed.
Switch to a fully charged battery.
Close the supply cover completely.
Load the supply correctly. See “Loading
Supplies” in Chapter 3 for more information.
Check the platen roller for jammed labels.
Switch to a fully charged battery.
Printer does not print.
Load the supply correctly. See “Loading
Supplies” in Chapter 3 for more information.
Clean the printhead. See “Cleaning the
Printhead” in Chapter 5 for more information.
Print has voids or is too light. Load the supply correctly. See “Loading
Supplies” in Chapter 3 for more information.
Close the supply cover completely.
Switch to a fully charged battery.
Clean the printhead. See “Cleaning the
Printhead” in Chapter 5 for more information.
Check the supply for damage or defects.
Printer partially prints on the
supply and fails to respond
to the keypad or trigger.
Load the supply correctly or load new supplies,
if necessary. See “Loading Supplies” in
Chapter 3 for more information.
Clear any supply jams.
Clean the printhead. See “Cleaning the
Printhead” in Chapter 5 for more information.
Switch to a fully charged battery.
Troubleshooting 6-1
Scanner does not scan a bar
See “Scanning Bar Codes” in Chapter 4 for
more information.
The display does not turn on. Make sure the power is on.
Switch to a fully charged battery.
Printer and display locks up.
Push your stylus into the tiny hole under the
left side of keypad and soft reset the printer.
C h e c k i n g t h e S o f t w a r e V e r s i o n
To check the Software version of the printer, the Ultra Class library, the
scanner configuration, printer diagnostics, and the Application version:
1. Tap the printer icon from Status Bar on the display.
2. Tap About.
6-2 Operator’s Handbook
P r i n t i n g a T e s t L a b e l
To print a Test Label:
1. Tap the printer icon from Status Bar on the display.
2. Tap Printer Diagnostics.
3. Tap Printer from the Printer Diagnostics menu.
4. Tap Diagnostic Labels from the Printer Tests menu.
5. Tap Diag Label from the Diagnostic Labels menu.
The following labels print:
The first diagnostic (test) label shows the model number, software
version, and the printer’s configuration by packet. Refer to the
Programmer’s Manual for more information about configuration packets.
The second diagnostic (test) label shows the model number, software
version, total number of inches printed, voltage, print contrast, printhead
resistance, number of bad dots, and memory.
Troubleshooting 6-3
Error Codes
This section lists common error codes and what they mean.
004 - 005
267 – 271
410 - 413
703 - 704
Supply size is incorrect. Reload the correct supplies.
Communication error. See your System Administrator.
Supply Error. Load supplies or make sure they are loaded
correctly. See “Loading Supplies” in Chapter 3 for more
751 - 753
Printhead is overheated. Turn off the printer to let it cool.
The printer sensed a problem with a mark on the supplies.
Check the supplies to see if they are loaded correctly.
The printer is out of supplies. Load supplies. See “Loading
Supplies” in Chapter 3 for more information.
The calibrated supply length differs by plus or minus .25
inches from the format. Load supplies.
Check supply. Either the supply is not seen, or the on-
demand sensor is broken (purchase optional). Check for a
label jam. Clear the supply path or reload supplies. The
printer does not recalibrate after this error.
Low battery. Recharge the battery. See “Charging the Main
Battery” in Chapter 2 for more information.
Waiting to dispense label. Press Enter.
790 - 791
Printhead error. See your System Administrator.
The printer is busy or has an error pending. Turn off the
printer, wait two seconds, and then turn it back on.
System error. See your System Administrator.
System error. See your System Administrator.
904 – 911
T e c h n i c a l S u p p o r t
If these solutions do not work or you have a problem or error code not
listed, see your System Administrator or call Service at the number listed
on the back of this manual.
6-4 Operator’s Handbook
S P E C I F I C AT I O N S &
S p e c i f i c a t i o n s
Width – 9.2" (233mm)
Length – 3.5" (89mm)
Height – 10.35" (263mm)
Weight – 2.25 lbs. (1 kg)
Shipping Weight – 5.86 lbs. (2.66 kg)
1.89" (48mm/384 dots) (203 dots per inch)
Thermal direct (no ink /ribbon)
Up to 4" (102 mm) per second
64MB RAM and 64MB Flash
7.4V Lithium-Ion (110V – 240V AC adapter)
3.6V Lithium-Ion (internal)
Print Speed:
Battery Type:
Battery Recharge
1 – 3 hours, depending on the charger used.
Supply Sizes:
Width 0.50”, 1.2", 1.5", and 2.0" (12.7mm, 30mm,
38mm, and 51mm)
Lengths .55" – 4.0" (14mm –102mm)
Peel mode supports .785" (20 mm) or greater
Non-Peel mode supports .55" (13.97mm) or greater
40°F – 110°F (4°C – 43°C)
5% – 90% non-condensing
Humidity (Operating
& Storage):
Specifications & Accessories A-1
A c c e s s o r i e s
This section lists accessories available for your printer and their part
Part Number Description
Single-Station Battery Charger
Four-Station Battery Charger
AC Adapter
Cleaning Pen
USB Cable
Extra Battery
Battery Backup Power
Screen Protector
Deluxe Wrist Strap
Petite Wrist Strap
Shoulder Strap
M0PHOL0401 Holster/Belt/Pouch
M0PHOL0402 Holster only
A-2 Operator’s Handbook
supplies, information, and telephone numbers
for our locations throughout the world.
1-800-543-6650 (In the U.S.A.)
1-800-363-7525 (In Canada)
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